Calgary Flames: Top Three Prospects

Morgan Klimchuk – Regina Pats
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Morgan Klimchuk is another Flames prospect who has found his way to the Abbotsford Heat after his year with the Regina Pats in the WHL. The Flames used their second pick in the first round of 2013 to take Klimchuck just 6 spots behind Poirier. Klimchuk is a work plain and simple. He works hard at scoring goals, skating and providing leadership in the WHL. He’s got an aspect of being a clutch goal scorer with a nose for the net. He recorded an impressive 74 points in 57 games with the Pats during his third year. He recorded 5 points in 4 playoff games with the Pats before they were eliminated from postseason action and he joined the Heat.
Through four games with the Heat, Klimchuk has yet to find the back of the net but has had a solid impact. He was hurt often this past season and has taken a slight step back in his development. Some playoff time with the Heat could be all Morgan Klimchuk needs to get his confidence back on top.