Northern Michigan Players Charged With Bike Theft


Five Northern Michigan Freshmen have been charged with bike theft, all of which occurred in late September.

Daniel Vandercook, Mitch Jones and Jake Baker are facing the biggest charges, receiving and concealing stolen property valued less than $200, which is punishable by at most a year in jail and $2000 fine.

Eric Walker could get a $2000 fine,  or 3x the value of the property if that is more.

Walker is the leading scorer among these Freshmen with 5 points in the team’s first 10 games, while Jones, a defenseman, has the most goals with 2.

Granted this is a pretty stupid risk to take when you factor in the fact that you’re basically wagering your hockey career on a $200 bike, but after hearing about what has gone on in State College, PA it’s tough to do much more than laugh at them for doing something fairly stupid and childish.

(stick tap to @chrismpeters)